Friday, March 8, 2013

Women in Global Society

Read the perceptions of Multicultural Ambassador, Somya, after attending our Women In Global Society event this week!

When we hear about the topic, “Women in Global Society”, it sounds very cliché. But if you actually think about it, everybody knows it’s a serious issue but nobody wants to do anything about it or even talk about it. So, Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason organized an informal conversational session on the topic including Tarleton students, people from office of International programs and others who have traveled across United States or studied abroad. This was a great opportunity for everyone to introspect on what they actually think about it and also know where it stands in other countries. 

Dr. Lora Helvie-Mason facilitated the conversation and students contributed their thoughts and experiences on the position of women in various fields across the globe. Ms. Nikki Jackson from TIAER, reflected upon the status of women in Middle East and how the culture over there may not always approve of women empowerment. She also said that the study abroad experience in middle east has made her more appreciative of what she has received here in States.

Students also talked about various fields where women are not considered a fit. For instance, Neil, a multicultural ambassador brought up athletics and raised the question of why we often do not have coed sports teams.

The conversation also touched upon the prevailing stereotypes about women’s capabilities, unconscious bias regarding certain job positions, and also society’s expectations from women in terms of beauty vs. brains.

The conversation brought up a lot of perspectives on women’s position in various aspects of global society.

I think it is very important to talk about these issues so that we could actually reflect on them and be more responsible in contributing towards creating awareness. 

- Somya Gupta, Multicultural Ambassador

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