Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Culture Immersion

Explore the thoughts of Somya, a Multicultural Ambassador, during our culture excursion in New Orleans.
Travelling is always on top of my favorite things to do. I like exploring places and learning about new cultures. As I explore more and more, I realized that I have also started to respect my culture more. On my this cultural excursion to New Orleans, I also realized that people take there culture with them where ever they go. Especially, when they are in a foreign land, they practice their beliefs more and also try to spread it around.

On this trip, we went to the cemetery tour the day after we reached. And there, I saw so much diversity in funeral practices of people belonging to different cultural backgrounds. I saw French style raised graves, community burials, family tombs and graves of some famous personalities. The tour guide explained to us that different people living in the city brought with them their culture and practices.
Also, I went to a souvenir shop and the shopkeeper was from a foreign country and has been living in States for past seven years. She was wearing her native traditional clothes. That really made me thinking that it does not matter where you go an how long you live there, you are always inclined towards your cultural beliefs and do things your way.

This is also true about the city of New Orleans, which represents the blend of French, Spanish and British cultures. Who ever colonized this city, brought with them their culture and tried to paint it their way.

And here I am today, enjoying this wonderful amalgamation of different cultures with Tarleton's Multicultural Ambassadors.

~ Somya G., Multicultural Ambassador

We hope that you will stop by the office (TSC # 21). Also, look for us on social media. Facebook :http://www.facebook.com/TarletonDiversityInclusion and read along with our journeys here on the blog:
http://tarletondiversityinclusion.blogspot.com/ You can also see our images on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tarletondiversity/. Or follow us on Twitter: @DiversityTSU or email us directly at Diversity@Tarleton.edu  

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