Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Intense reflections

We continue our Cultural Excursion in New Orleans. Read Multicultural Ambassador Sara's thoughts as she toured a museum with the exhibit "Katrina and Beyond."

Intense. I guess if I had to choose one to describe what I saw today that would be it. Today I took a trip to the Presbytere, inside they have an exhibit called  Katrina and Beyond. Walking in I was immediately hit with emotion and had chills all over my body. The pictures and videos that you first see take your breath away. You walk into a room and its screen after screen of storm coverage and I could barely stand there for more then a few minutes before I had to leave the room. This exhibit is a very eye opening one, you walk through and you hear stories from coast guard and from people who were there and for me it was stuff I had never even heard before. At the end of the exhibit they show the Katrina Kids Project which was started to help kids cope with thing going on. In the room you saw pictures drawn by kids and even a quilt with kids drawings on it. One story really got to me because it was written by a little girl. She said she didn't want to leave her home and she cried all day because of it. Going to that exhibit I didn't know what to expect but I can say that I am happy that I went because I got to see things I had never seen before and hear things I had never heard before.

     I think not being from here I did not understand the intensity of it all because the media portrayed it differently. I think they downplayed it and Katrina should not have been downplayed. It was big and it was powerful. These last couple days we have had the chance to explore the city a bit and I fully believe in the power of people. The people here are so friendly and inviting. You go to any store and the cashiers will talk to you like they've known you forever and you don't get that in to many other places. I think the city is still rebuilding and still trying to come up but when you have people like the ones I have the pleasure of meeting this week then I can see this city doing great things and not letting the past affect their future.

~ Sara B., Multicultural Ambassador

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