Monday, January 21, 2013

Returning from SBSLC 2013

Our students did a great job at the Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference this past week. They were professional, focused, and supportive of one another. They attended every single session, shook numerous hands, made many connections, and truly represented Tarleton well. Additionally, they all came away thinking about the leaders they could be as they embrace their careers and further their educations.

Some students found themselves internally reflecting about their majors, others pondered their service and roles in the community, some came away from the conference eager to embrace risk and create the most of opportunities.

Overall, it was a rewarding experience that got rave reviews from the students. As a professor, watching their journey from the first day to the last was special. The students blossomed and grew right before my eyes. They truly took advantage of every second of their time at SBSLC.

If you want to hear more about the students' experiences, please consider attending the "SBSLC pay it forward" panel on Tuesday, February 5th from 12-1 p.m. in room TSC 27. The students will share their poetry pieces, the speech presented for the oratorical contest, and their reflections about what they experienced during the conference.

Student applications to attend SBSLC 2014 will open in September 2014 and are available in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

We hope that you will stop by the office (TSC # 21). Also, look for us on social media. Facebook: and read along with our journeys here on the blog: You can also see our images on Flickr: Or follow us on Twitter: @DiversityTSU or email us directly at  

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